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Inngest vs Temporal: Durable execution that developers love

Discover a serverless, event-driven platform that developers love. Build faster, debug easier, and scale effortlessly with Inngest.

Trusted by modern software teams worldwide:

Why developers choose Inngest over Temporal

Traditional queuing systems handle only the basics, leaving you to tackle the difficult parts. You've likely experienced the frustration of dealing with some or all of these common challenges:

Faster development, better DX

Write durable functions in minutes—no steep learning curve, no complex workflow concepts.

Easily run anywhere

Runs on servers or serverless — no stateful backend to manage. Seamlessly scales on AWS Lambda and Cloudflare Workers, or your own containers.

Built-in observability & recovery

Debug workflows with powerful visual tools, built in metrics, and first-class event and function replay.

Seamless flow-control

Build your product for scale with multi-tenant concurrency, parallelism, throttling, prioritization, and batching.

Differences explained

Ease of useIntuitive SDK, deploy in minutesComplex setup, steep learning curve
ObservabilityBuilt-in tracing, real-time metricsRequires external monitoring tools
ArchitectureServerless, scales automaticallyStateful, heavy infrastructure
Recovery tool suiteBuilt-in capabilities like pausing, bulk cancel, and bulk replayManual system administration and custom rolled solutions.
Workflow versioningAutomatic, hassle-freeManual, error-prone
Time to deliveryMinutesWeeks

What developers are saying about Inngest

Image of Bu KinoshitaBu KinoshitaCTO, Resend

The DX and visibility with Inngest is incredible.

Image of Matthew DrookerMatthew DrookerCTO, SoundCloud

Using Inngest, the amount of context switching drops significantly, because the code is just business logic. If you read the code, you know that the steps that will execute without having to manage any infrastructure.

Image of Dieter De MesmaekerDieter De MesmaekerCTO, Conveo

Inngest changed how I build applications. The ease of use and developer experience is unparalleled.

Hassle-free execution so you can focus on innovation

Say goodbye to complexity and infrastructure management. Build better workflows with Inngest today.

Durable functions

Simplify retries, timeouts, and concurrency handling for reliable backend workflows.

Graphic of Durable functions

Workflow orchestration

Coordinate multi-step workflows with event-driven orchestration and full execution visibility.

Graphic of Workflow orchestration

Flow control

Manage task execution with ease, including parallelism, rate limiting, throttling, and prioritization.

Graphic of Flow control

Recovery tool suite

Handle errors with automatic retries, debugging tools, and a seamless workflow recovery.

Graphic of Recovery tool suite

Native simplicity, transparent execution


Temporal code is proxied through its library, altering the runtime. Inngest uses native language primitives for direct execution, making debugging simpler. Our open-source SDKs are fully transparent.

export async function getUser(userId: string) {
  const user = await db.getUser(userId);
  if (!user) {
    throw InvalidAccountError('User not found');
  return user;
export async function sendWelcomeEmail(email: string) {
  // ...
export async function startTrial(userId: string) {
  // ...
import { proxyActivities } from '@temporalio/workflow';
import { ApplicationFailure } from '@temporalio/common';

export async function welcomeWorkflow(
  userSignup: { id: string }
) {
  const {
  } = proxyActivities<typeof activities>({
    retry: {
      initialInterval: '1 second',
      maximumInterval: '1 minute',
      backoffCoefficient: 2,
      maximumAttempts: 4,
      nonRetryableErrorTypes: ['InvalidAccountError'],
    startToCloseTimeout: '1 minute',

  const user = await getUser(;

  await sendWelcomeEmail(;

  try {
    await startTrial(;
  } catch (e) {
    throw ApplicationFailure.create({
      message: 'Failed to start trial'

  return 'Workflow complete';
import { Worker } from '@temporalio/worker';
import * as activities from './activities';
import { namespace, taskQueueName } from './shared';

async function run() {
  // Workflows are loaded from the workflowsPath
  // which modifies the code at runtime
  const worker = await Worker.create({
    workflowsPath: require.resolve('./workflows'),
    namespace: 'acme-app',
    taskQueue: 'user-workflows',


run().catch((err) => {


Inngest offers a simple, event-driven mental model where workflows are functions tied to events, with each step clearly defined. It's serverless-first and provides built-in observability for seamless tracking.

import { Inngest, NonRetriableError } from 'inngest';

export const inngest = new Inngest({
  id: 'acme-app',

export const welcomeWorkflow = inngest.createFunction(
  { id: 'welcome-workflow', retries: 4 },
  { event: 'user.signup'},
  async ({ event, step }) => {
    const user = await'get-user', async () => {
      const user = await db.getUser(userId);
      if (!user) {
        throw NonRetriableError('User not found');
      return user;

    await'send-welcome-email', async () => {
      await sendWelcomeEmail(;

    await'start-trial', async () => {
      await startTrial(;

    return 'Workflow complete';
import { serve } from 'inngest/express';
import { inngest, welcomeWorkflow } from './workflows';

app.use('/api/inngest', serve({
  client: inngest,
  functions: [welcomeWorkflow]


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